Turning to the Blue

2010.12.25. 16:11

I was born like a bird in the land of hurricanes
I realized that my wings inherited shiny chains
Oh it was the very first day that turned into the blue
Oh it’s just another day of turning to the blue

I was playing my game diggin’ dirt with the silver spoon
Daddy and Mommy were dancing hard in that scarry gloom
Oh it’s just another day that turned into the blue
Oh it’s just another day of turning to the blue

I was roaming the streets with the freaks of the universe
I closed my eyes I could fly in the maze with the lies of pearls
Oh it’s just another day that turned into the blue
Oh it’s just another day of turning to the blue

I was told by the priest: Hey boy, you’d better open your eyes!
I felt the pain of the demons in my brain skatin’ on thin ice
Oh it’s just another day that turned into the blue
Oh it’s just another day of turning to the blue

And I tried tried tried so hard you know baby I loved you so
You were the dark bride of my soul you said you’d never let me go
Oh it’s just another day that turned into the blue
Oh it’s just another day of turning to the blue

Eleven húsomon vak katonák gyalogolnak át
Hallani vélem a recsegõ csontok pokoli zaját...
Simogat a keserû szél újra beborul az ég
Lassan kinyitom a szemem: látja-e valaki még?

I was howling alone but my straitjacket held me tight
Freaking out on war after war I can’t sleep at night
Oh it’s just another day that turned into the blue
Oh it’s just another day of turning to the blue

Now I’m just hanging on the ladder of heaven but I also have a call to hell
I’ve got the blues on my tongue and the pretty little angels ring the bell
Oh it’s just another day that turned into the blue
Oh it’s just another day of turning to the blue

[Quimby: Kicsi ország, 2010]

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