Sea Change
2011.01.30. 18:26
Six billion backs against the wall
now do we walk or run
this puzzle's falling into place
once more around the sun
remember when you were a kid
those days were all so long
but if we don't do this
somebody else will...
Three billion backs against the wall
I pray for everyone
we saw the changing at the sea
another thing was done
remember when you could rely
those days are all but gone
and if we don't do this
somebody else will
if we don't do this
somebody else will
somebody else will...
One billion backs against the wall
at least I feel we're dry
Iwas an honour to myself
this storm would pass me by
remember anythings I did
I knew I would survive
but if we don't do this
somebody else will
if we don't do this
somebody else will
somebody else will...
One billion backs against the wall
now do we walk or run...
One thousand backs against the wall
now do we walk or run...
One hundred backs against the wall
now do we walk or run...
It's just your back against the wall
now do you walk or run...
remember when you were a kid
those days are all but gone
if we don't do this
nobody else will...
if we don't do this
nobody else will...
nobody else will...
now do we walk or run
this puzzle's falling into place
once more around the sun
remember when you were a kid
those days were all so long
but if we don't do this
somebody else will...
Three billion backs against the wall
I pray for everyone
we saw the changing at the sea
another thing was done
remember when you could rely
those days are all but gone
and if we don't do this
somebody else will
if we don't do this
somebody else will
somebody else will...
One billion backs against the wall
at least I feel we're dry
Iwas an honour to myself
this storm would pass me by
remember anythings I did
I knew I would survive
but if we don't do this
somebody else will
if we don't do this
somebody else will
somebody else will...
One billion backs against the wall
now do we walk or run...
One thousand backs against the wall
now do we walk or run...
One hundred backs against the wall
now do we walk or run...
It's just your back against the wall
now do you walk or run...
remember when you were a kid
those days are all but gone
if we don't do this
nobody else will...
if we don't do this
nobody else will...
nobody else will...
[Turin Brakes. In: Outbursts, 2010]
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A hozzászólások a vonatkozó jogszabályok értelmében felhasználói tartalomnak minősülnek, értük a szolgáltatás technikai üzemeltetője semmilyen felelősséget nem vállal, azokat nem ellenőrzi. Kifogás esetén forduljon a blog szerkesztőjéhez. Részletek a Felhasználási feltételekben és az adatvédelmi tájékoztatóban.
Zöld Kacaj 2011.01.30. 19:22:40
kis off, bezártam a blogom, és egy jóval publikusabbra költöztem
ha követed/néd még.
Nem haragszol, ha ott is belinkelem a blogod? (Ez azért kérdéses, mert azt jóval több (való életben is) ismerõsöm fogja látni.)
Selene 2011.01.30. 19:35:17
Szió:) Az utóbbi idõben kicsit visszakapcsoltam a blogolást, de örömmel látnám, ha belinkelnéd a blogom és természetesen követni foglak. :)
Zöld Kacaj 2011.01.31. 10:02:04
igen, láttam, de azért mégis :)
köszi :)
Paladin 2011.01.31. 10:46:15
ez nagyon jópofa :)
csillagvíz 2011.01.31. 18:59:41
Jó ez a zene. Nem hallottam õket soha, de karakteres a hangja, jó a zene és muris a videó:) Köszi:)
Selene 2011.02.03. 11:08:16
Ha jobban megfigyeljük, alapvetõen nem is annyira muris, inkább elgondolkodtató ez a video. A gyurma figurák, persze jópofák, de ez sokkal mélyebb értelmû annál, mint amit a felszín mutat. ;)
Paladin 2011.02.06. 05:49:53
a hangulata valamelyik nap igencsak rám ragadt :/
lehet túl sokszor hallgattam meg? :P