2013.05.06. 22:24
I'm sick of losing
my patience
out of time
lacking rhythm
barely concious
over sensitive
feeling weaker
as I stumble around
Get out of my mind...
In the morning
rests the paper
heavy snow fall
wakes the neighbors
the alarm calls
I clean out my eyes
feeling nauseous
as the world spins around
Get out of my mind...
[Low Roar. 2011]
my patience
out of time
lacking rhythm
barely concious
over sensitive
feeling weaker
as I stumble around
Get out of my mind...
In the morning
rests the paper
heavy snow fall
wakes the neighbors
the alarm calls
I clean out my eyes
feeling nauseous
as the world spins around
Get out of my mind...
[Low Roar. 2011]
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